Youth Services


Youth Services address the unique needs of youth ages 18-24 with myriad programs that help permanently end their homelessness, or risk of experiencing homelessness.


The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) allows local partners to work together to end youth homelessness in Connecticut by 2022, thanks to a 2 year grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). While Columbus House has served this particularly at-risk age group since our inception, YHDP allows us to better serve their needs and to reach the many youth that tend to avoid shelters. Our objective is to end the cycle of homelessness before it begins.

Rapid Re-Housing

Rapid Re-Housing moves people directly from instances of homelessness into their own rental unit by providing short-term financial assistance in the form of initial rent, security deposits, and/or utility assistance. Once in permanent housing, people are better able to access services needed for independence, stability, and growth. Columbus House offers Rapid Re-Housing to youth in Middlesex county as well as New Haven county in partnership with Youth Continuum.

If you or someone you know needs access to Youth Services, please call 2-1-1 to be connected to someone who can help.